Thanks for visiting! On the 4th January 2011, Sue and Rick will be setting off on a grown-up gap year to circumnavigate the globe in search of fantastic food. In this blog we aim to give you a taster of our top tastebud moments... and dietary disasters. We hope this blog inspires you to explore the foods of the world too.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

2 highs and 1 low

Todays first highlight was meeting and being befriended by a lovely elderly HK gentleman (who was Korean origionally) who spent an hour filling us in on the culture and politics of modern HK; then sending us off to find the tram system which showed us the whole of the HK island waterfront for less than £5 and lasted 4 hours. Magic!

The low was trying to kill myself by hurling myself down a flight of steps whilst attempting to take an artistic shot of yet another high rise building with the new camera. Derr!!!  The bruises will heal soon !

No snaps today (you'll be relieved to hear - took lots, but not yet got to grips with new technology)

Food update:
Lunch - negligible -  just a McDonald's coke and coffee. (Really didn't need any extra calories today).
Measly lunch!(Chips were Rick's!)
On the other hand....Supper  was the best Thai meal we've ever had outside of Thailand. Just back from eating and in need of sleep.
If you're ever in HK, go to A Touch of Spice, Knutsford 10. - food is brilliant.
Set supper for two gave a huge selection of....

...amazing  tastebud experiences

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